Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Cameleon Is Back

Acting as a kinder and gentler sole, Hal Daub is once
again running for political office. In the last few years
he has tested his name as a candidate for Governor, run
and dropped out of a Senate race, worked for President Bush
on Social Security issues, chaired McCain's campaign in
Nebraska, and now he is trying his game again for Mayor.
And, don't forget he made the lunch circuit floating the
idea of sinking Ashland Nebraska.

Is there anybody in the state more impressed with himself
than Hal Daub?

He was booted out of office in the 2001 election by Mike
Fahey. Fahey won by presenting a calmer and friendlier
personality with a successful record in business.

Daub will likely present his previous administration as
better than the last 8 years. He will want vindication and
bandages for an ego that was wounded by his defeat. He
will say he has the ideas to get rid of crime, fix the streets,
solve the budget problems, and continue to grow the city.
It will sound great. He has the political experience to run
campaign circles around the neophytes he is up against.

But voters beware. This is the same contentious,
argumentative, belligerent, demanding, lying, and
deceiving man that was voted out of office in 2001.
The color of his hide may change to camouflage
himself in the political environment of 2009,
but the bite of this snake is just a poisonous
as ever.

Can anyone really want a return to this
caustic style of leadership?

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